Thursday, September 26, 2013

Nevada Residents Benefit From New DMV Procedure

Thanks to recent legislation, the department of motor vehicles in Nevada will soon be processing automobile lender requests for liens and titles through a cloud-based electronic system. Eighteen states now process title and lien requests electronically instead of by the traditional paper method. Nevada is the first state in the country to outsource the development of the programs and system maintenance to a private company from Pennsylvania.

According to the company designing the system for the state, the new procedure will make it easier for banks and other lenders to have liens placed on vehicle titles when borrowers purchase a vehicle.


  1. More states need to move to an electronics title system. Anything to make procedures more swift sounds good to me! -Anne

  2. If outsourcing means saving more money and time, I'd say the rest of the 49 need to hop on board.

  3. How well is it working now? I'm curious to hear a followup!
